
God has placed it on my heart to start a blog and I thought what better way to start a blog than to start with my testimony? But before I do that I just want to say was a privilege it is to say yes to God’s prompting and be a part of what God wants to do through the blog. I hope that you will join me on the journey. My heart is to live a totally surrendered life to God, manifest through my life who He is and share with others what He has done in my life so you can experience Him yourself. He loves you and wants to have a relationship with you. I want to share with you the love, freedom, security, peace and joy that is available to you!

My Testimony

Isabella Hynas Testimony

Every time, I think about my story I am always amazed by who God is and what He has done for me and my life. The best part is that He wouldn’t just do it for me but for anybody that is willing to know Him and have a relationship with Him. I am most blown away by the fact that God really does exist and that all I always believed is not some kind of fairy tale but reality.

You see, I always believed in God, maybe because I was taught about God since a little child, not only growing up as a Catholic but also having a dad who was Protestant. As a child, I already read the Bible, read a lot of Christian books and watched a lot of animated Bible stories. And in those stories, I always heard about a loving God, an active God in people’s everyday lives and a God that could be trusted to show up in the most challenging situations. I saw people that

Isabella Hynas Testimony

Every time, I think about my story I am always amazed by who God is and what He has done for me and my life. The best part is that He wouldn’t just do it for me but for anybody that is willing to know Him and have a relationship with Him. I am most blown away by the fact that God really does exist and that all I always believed is not some kind of fairy tale but reality.

You see, I always believed in God, maybe because I was taught about God since a 

little child, not only growing up as a Catholic but also having a dad who was Protestant. As a child, I already read the Bible, read a lot of Christian books and watched a lot of animated Bible stories. And in those stories, I always heard about a loving God, an active God in people’s everyday lives and a God that could be trusted to show up in the most challenging situations. I saw people that

had a close relationship with God, who spoke to Him and He spoke back to them, who guided them and protected them. He also used a lot of them in a powerful way to change the world around them.

Learning all of these at a young age, gave me the desire to know Him personally and have a relationship with Him but I didn’t actually think it was possible in my life. Maybe because the religion I grew up with didn’t really teach that people can have a close and intimate relationship with God now on Earth. These stories were back then, it doesn’t happen nowadays. You only have to make sure that you obey all the rules and commands, never miss church, confess your sins to a priest every month and don’t sin again because if you die with sin you will not go to heaven.

You could only hope that one day you will meet God in heaven if you are worthy enough. And so there was no hope to experience God on Earth not to even mention a relationship with God.

However, the more I learned about my dad’s faith, the more I realised that maybe it was possible but I didn’t know how. He never talked to me about a new birth experience (or maybe I missed it) until I was about 15 years old that’s when he asked me if I wanted to give my life to Christ and I did that evening. I immediately knew that something changed. I felt such joy in my heart and knew that Jesus came to live in my heart. That week, I was trying to speak to God but I didn’t feel like He was responding to me so I kind of gave up. I knew He was with me and that I was saved but I didn’t really pursue the relationship with God nor really experienced Him other than the knowing He was with me. 

When I was 16, I was going through a heartbreak. It happened in September but before then, in August we had a family reunion party and my cousin lend me a book called Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. While going through the heartbreak, I got to a chapter about heartbreaks and in that chapter, they said that God can heal my broken heart – this is the first time I heard that God heals emotional wounds and pain. I knew about physical pain but didn’t know about emotional pain. At the end of the chapter, there was a prayer to pray if you are brokenhearted. It was a really short and simple prayer. I prayed it, not really expecting anything to happen but God touched me immediately, He removed all the pain and He filled me with so much love, peace and joy. All the pain and heartbreak were gone just like that and not only that the pain was gone but I actually moved on without thinking about the guy. Usually, it takes time until you stop thinking about someone and move on, in this case, I just moved on like it never happened. It still astonishes me when I think about it.

It really touched me that Jesus can heal the brokenhearted and all emotional wounds that happened to us, that He can restore me to become the person He created me to be here on Earth, and that I didn’t have to wait until I go to heaven to be healed and whole. It really touched me because I knew that I was broken not only from the heartbreak but from my past experiences. I was fearful, bound and insecure, and when Jesus started to reveal Himself to me, He really started to heal me and restore me to the person He created me to be. And it was not only my imagination but I could go back into the memory of certain things that happened and it was not hurting me anymore, I was literally put back into the state like it never happened before. He really restored me. I look at the supernatural things He has done in my life and sometimes I still don’t believe that this was not just a dream but actual reality. God does really live, Jesus does exist, and He really did die for humanity to save us from sin, pain, sickness and wounds. You just have to believe that He exists and that He died for you so you can live a free life from condemnation and guilt. All He needs is your faith so you can experience and get to know Him for yourself.

This is how God revealed Himself to me for the first time and since then, He took me on my healing journey. I will be sharing more about it my blog. I started to seek God daily and developed a really close relationship with Him. I encounter God daily and He speaks to me daily. He is present in every part of my life, He leads me, He guides me, He protects me, He comforts me. He is all I need in every situation and He never leaves me.

If you want to know how you can have your experience with God go here! 🙂

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